Thank You For Registering!

In order to receive the link to your XXXX, please follow the instructions below & check your email inbox.

Step 1: Check your email inbox for an email from “ZEISS MICROSCOPY”

Please check your email inbox and look out for the email with ‘ZEISS’. It should look like this. If you cannot find it, please check your promotions or spam tab too. The subject line should start with 'Please confirm your registration'.

Step 2: Open the email & click the DOI button

Open the email that was sent and click the button to acknowledge your Double-opt in. We do this step to comply with GDPR regulations. Thank you for your cooperation!

Step 3: You will be redirected to a thank you page

Once you have clicked the button, you will be redirected to a thank you page to acknowledge your Double-opt in.  

Step 4: A separate email with the link will be sent

Wait for about 5-10 minutes maximum and you will receive a 2nd email with the resource you signed up for.