ZEISS Solutions for Forensics

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Collected bundle

for Forensics

If you work in a forensics laboratory, you know every case is unique and requires specialized tools and techniques. That's why we have compiled an exciting collection of stories showcasing how ZEISS microscopes have supported forensics investigations, from analyzing gunshot residue to decoding paint pigments. In addition, our bundle includes resources on animal hair analysis, forensic ballistics, automated detection and isolation of spermatozoa, and much more. You'll find everything you need to enhance your knowledge and workflow. Explore our resources and take your forensics investigations to the next level.

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  • For researchers interested in forensics

Here's what you'll receive upon downloading

the free ZEISS forensics bundle

  • Improved Gun Shot Residual Analysis using FIB and EBSD  (PDF white paper)
  • Microscopic Detection of Sperm on Washed Textiles After HY-LITER Staining  (PDF white paper)
  • Forensic Animal Hair Analysis using ZEISS Light Microscopes  (PDF white paper)
  • Forensic Paint Analysis (PDF white paper)
  • And more...

Collected bundle

for Forensics

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