ZEISS Solutions for Microscopy in Education & Teaching

FREE Download

Collected bundle

for Microscopy in Education & Teaching

This bundle includes a wealth of valuable resources, including user testimonials, teaching content, and examples of how digital connectivity has improved classroom learning in the medical field. In addition, you'll find links to various case studies, product trailers, and informative articles that will help you enhance your microscopy skills and improve engagement in your classroom. Whether you're a primary school teacher, medical student, or seasoned professional, this bundle has something for everyone. Explore our resources today and take your microscopy skills to the next level.

  • Download for FREE & receive the content
  • For teachers in Universities & Colleges

Here's what you'll receive upon downloading

the free ZEISS Education & Teaching bundle

  • Microscopy for Biology Education: Practical Experiments for Education in Biology (PDF white paper)
  • ZEISS Primostar 3: Sample slide kit  (PDF white paper)
  • Basics of Optical Microscopy (webinar)
  • Microscopy for Primary Schools (webinar)
  • Use case: Exeter University (video)
  • And more...  

Collected bundle

for Microscopy in Education & Teaching

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